quantitative easing

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Is The Gold Bull “For Real?”

For those not following closely, gold just put in its 11th consecutive yearly price increase, with an approximately 14% rise on the calendar year… but you probably haven’t heard of it. In fact, you probably think that “gold is going down”, based on what you’ve heard in the media recently (if not continuously for the past 5 years or so). An interesting question then remains: why has this disconnect occurred?

4Jan2012 | | 5 comments | Continued
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Don’t Blame The Millionaires

There is no reason for the media to be blaming “millionaires” for wealth inequality. Yes, they too have benefited from the lowest tax rates in history for those on top. However, there is a huge conceptual difference between the millionaires (or even billionaires) and the trillionaires.

5Dec2011 | | 5 comments | Continued
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Gold, Orange Juice, and ‘Tang’

Just as savvy beverage-drinkers will inevitably shun excessively diluted Tang, eventually our deluded masses will figure out the bankers’ paper scam — and react accordingly. There is a very precise name for this economic phenomenon: hyperinflation, where paper fiat currencies go to zero.

24Nov2011 | | 0 comments | Continued
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Silver: The People’s Money

Lacking a gold standard and lacking any financial regulation of these multinational banks, as individuals we have been left with absolutely no recourse but to “insure” our wealth by converting it to silver.

7Nov2011 | | 0 comments | Continued
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Preemptive Strike Against Precious Metals Nears End

While we all know never to say “never” in this market, it appears that the latest operation has neared its expiry date. Put another way, it does not appear feasible that the investment community could remain “witless” enough not to fathom the impact of more, massive money-printing.

19Oct2011 | | 0 comments | Continued
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Economic Justice Equals Prosperity

The Occupy Wall Street movement is the first, tentative step in a process which 2,000 years of history teaches us is absolutely inevitable. Whether it is this movement which (eventually) facilitates real, equitable changes in our economies, or whether it is ultimately replaced by something bigger and better, the “message” which these people are sending is simple: the pendulum of history has begun to swing back.

17Oct2011 | | 3 comments | Continued
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Confessions of a Liquidity Junkie

…in the anti-rational world of the addict simply feeding the addiction is itself the sole “goal”. This epitomizes the words and actions of not only Mervyn King, but also Federal Reserve Chairman B.S. Bernanke and the dozens of other liquidity-junkies which have infested Europe’s monetary system.

12Oct2011 | | 0 comments | Continued
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The Great Commodities Heist

Bankrupt and near-bankrupt Western governments are stealing billions of dollars worth of various commodities from commodity-producers around the world… There can be no rational/economic explanation for the severe plunges in commodity prices other than the fraudulent manipulation of markets.

3Oct2011 | | 0 comments | Continued
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Why 2011 Is Not 2008

With many investors now having descended back to full-fledged “panic mode”, we explain why 2011 could never be another event like the Crash of ’08, as the nature of any such crash would be remarkably different.

8Aug2011 | | 3 comments | Continued
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The Two ‘Faces’ of U.S. Debt-Ceiling Deal

Mercifully, it appears that the U.S. debt-ceiling farce has finally ended – with an anti-climactic “thud”. It is only fitting that the two-faced regime which negotiated such an agreement should present us with a scenario which has two distinct interpretations.

2Aug2011 | | 7 comments | Continued