The Spin on Cyprus Gold Sale Rumor Is “Back Asswards”
The media is woefully misinformed (or maliciously misinforming you) about the “Cyprus gold sale.” Here’s the real story.
21Apr2013 | admin | 1 comment | ContinuedReport That Deficit Narrowed In July is Misleading
… this was, again, a calendar effect due to June’s last business day being Friday, June 29. Negating the calendar effects, the budget deficit for July would have been up, not down…
11Aug2012 | Lee Adler- The Wall Street Examiner | 0 comments | ContinuedEurope’s ‘New Austerity’ – The Cheesecake Diet
… the UK has been on a Cheesecake Diet all along. While ordinary people in the UK have been punished with month after month of sadistic, suicidal austerity; the Bank of England has been showering its bankers with new money, courtesy of more UK “QE”.
24May2012 | JeffNielson | 6 comments | ContinuedGold “Losing” Battle Versus U.S. Dollar in 2012?
When the MSM implores you to sell your gold both when it’s down and when it’s up, you know something is rotten in Denmark. It’s of course better to have a notion of real “value” when considering buying and selling.
22May2012 | JeffNielson | 1 comment | ContinuedGreek Election: The ‘Winds of Change’
Note that the fearmongering of the Western media after Greece’s election is not only a losing strategy but a dishonest one. It’s attempt to portray this election as a “radical” ideological change is a complete betrayal of the facts.
7May2012 | JeffNielson | 0 comments | ContinuedPaper Money: The Barbarous Relic
“It has been asked of me by several worried readers if all this central bank gold-buying is being done to stock-up on gold – merely so that the bankers can again crush the market by dumping all the gold they are currently accumulating. Here individual gold-holders can put their minds at ease…”
4May2012 | JeffNielson | 0 comments | ContinuedThe Great Western Revenue Crisis, Part I
Is the government “overspending”, or has it been consistently spending less in real terms (for basic support of the public) — while only preserving sorts of spending that prop up the oligarchs and banksters?
25Apr2012 | JeffNielson | 2 comments | ContinuedTwo Scenarios For Next Precious Metals Rally, Part I
one very likely clue that we will be on the precipice of another banker-created crash is that gold and silver will begin to rally strongly without any identifiable cause for their strong surge in prices. To be more precise, the mainstream media (i.e. the propaganda machine) will not supply us with any “reason” for these soaring prices (other than pointing to their favorite scapegoats, the evil “speculators”).
12Apr2012 | JeffNielson | 0 comments | ContinuedU.S. Standard of Living Has Fallen More Than 50%
Our governments have been lying about inflation for the last 40 years as a deliberate means of hiding the 57% collapse in our standard of living. Meanwhile, the situation is more than reversed if you’re one of the fat-cats at the top
2Apr2012 | JeffNielson | 4 comments | ContinuedSomething Bernanke is Neglecting To Mention When He Disses A “Gold Standard”
Bernanke isn’t arguing against the monetary usage of gold on some sort of general economic basis. He’s arguing that you shouldn’t have access to gold in the sense of providing the same sort of monetary stability that central banks and nations still, today, hold it for.
22Mar2012 | admin | 15 comments | Continued