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Breaking: ML-Implode Warned Government Of Taylor Bean Fraud A Year Before Collapse

ML-Implode staff has confirmed that the advance tip about the Taylor, Bean and Whitaker mortgage company mentioned in the Federal Housing Finance Authority (FHFA) Office of Inspector General’s June 2011 Complaints Process Audit came from ML-Implode, confirming our longstanding suspicion. The details and implications are discussed herein.

31Aug2011 | | 3 comments | Continued
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In Bizarre Ruling, Maryland Court Denies Anti-SLAPP Motion Against Downpayment Launderer

In what is sure to go down in free speech history as a gross error, if not a blatant miscarriage of justice, has been denied its motion for anti-SLAPP dismissal in the Maryland lawsuit, Russell vs. Krowne (et al.) (a-k-a Global Direct Sales and The Penobscot Indian Tribe vs. Implode-Explode Heavy Industries, Inc./ The […]

13Jul2010 | | 17 comments | Continued