quantitative easing
The Spin on Cyprus Gold Sale Rumor Is “Back Asswards”
The media is woefully misinformed (or maliciously misinforming you) about the “Cyprus gold sale.” Here’s the real story.
21Apr2013 | admin | 1 comment | ContinuedEurope At A Crucial Crossroad
The banking cabal promised that they could permanently lower borrowing costs on all the debt of all these governments, forever… with unrestrained credit default swaps (CDS).
7Jun2012 | JeffNielson | 0 comments | ContinuedEurope’s ‘New Austerity’ – The Cheesecake Diet
… the UK has been on a Cheesecake Diet all along. While ordinary people in the UK have been punished with month after month of sadistic, suicidal austerity; the Bank of England has been showering its bankers with new money, courtesy of more UK “QE”.
24May2012 | JeffNielson | 6 comments | Continued“The Mythical Land of Us”
Official U.S. Treasuries auctions have degenerated into nothing more than a Machiavellian scheme to launder counterfeited currency. Illustrated here in an allegory.
19May2012 | JeffNielson | 0 comments | ContinuedThe Big Lies Regarding Precious Metals Miners
The media reports that mining companies are in a depression for “under-performing”, but also that gold prices are “too high”. How can this be?
5May2012 | JeffNielson | 7 comments | ContinuedPaper Money: The Barbarous Relic
“It has been asked of me by several worried readers if all this central bank gold-buying is being done to stock-up on gold – merely so that the bankers can again crush the market by dumping all the gold they are currently accumulating. Here individual gold-holders can put their minds at ease…”
4May2012 | JeffNielson | 0 comments | ContinuedTime To Confront Lying Central Bank Liars
We don’t need two decades of near-zero interest rates to prove the U.S. is an economic corpse. Defibrillating an economy with near-zero interest rates for 3+ years (and getting no response) is proof of death just like defibrillating a body incessantly for three years would prove it’s a corpse.
19Apr2012 | JeffNielson | 2 comments | ContinuedTwo Scenarios For Next Precious Metals Rally, Part I
one very likely clue that we will be on the precipice of another banker-created crash is that gold and silver will begin to rally strongly without any identifiable cause for their strong surge in prices. To be more precise, the mainstream media (i.e. the propaganda machine) will not supply us with any “reason” for these soaring prices (other than pointing to their favorite scapegoats, the evil “speculators”).
12Apr2012 | JeffNielson | 0 comments | ContinuedProof of U.S. Greater Depression
The statistical charlatans at work for the U.S. government can pretend there is positive GDP growth. They can pretend there is positive jobs growth. But they cannot pretend to consume energy.
19Feb2012 | JeffNielson | 1 comment | ContinuedDeadbeats ‘Bailing Out’ Deadbeats
Surely even the media drones and market “experts” can understand the concept that one deadbeat with no money cannot (financially) bail out another deadbeat with no money?
7Feb2012 | JeffNielson | 5 comments | Continued