Free Speech
Hedge Felon Gilabert Loses Big in Attempt to Silence ML-Implode
Another frivolous attack against free speech bites the dust. But we still need your support. Click through to see the details.
27Dec2013 | admin | 1 comment | ContinuedML-Implode Defeats Perpetrators of Outlawed FHA Downpayment Scheme, After 5 Year Libel “SLAPP” Suit
We won… and free speech wins.
19Sep2013 | admin | 1 comment | ContinuedSLAPP Litigant Gilabert, in Major Tactical Loss, Faces Implode Anti-SLAPP Motion
Convicted hedge fund Ponzi artist Keith Gilabert has lost a major tactical move in his SLAPP suit against Ann Logue, Aaron Krowne and the Implode-o-Meter, as he now must face the Defendants’ motion to dismiss with prejudice, forcing him to pay costs.
4Apr2013 | admin | 1 comment | ContinuedML-Implode Author Files Devastating “anti-SLAPP” Against Hedge Fraudster Gilabert
After about a year’s hiatus, Implode readers are privileged to be entertained by further drama in the saga of Keith Gilabert vs. Implode… the defendants have now filed a California anti-SLAPP motion to strike, and you, dear readers, get to read this very informative, and entertaining document.
5Mar2013 | admin | 2 comments | ContinuedWhy Has Largest US ISP COMCAST Totally Blacked-Out ML-Implode?
Why has COMCAST effectively blacked out ML-Implode (and sister sites), “Great Firewall of China-style”?
15Aug2012 | admin | 18 comments | ContinuedHedgie-ville RE Assoc. Escalates Vendetta Against Truth-Telling Member/Blogger
The Greenwich, CT local Association of Realtors has apparently decided to target a member and critic by inflating his critical online satire into a police complaint, which has, predictably, backfired. Reporting by Teri Buhl.
21Jun2012 | TeriBuhl | 3 comments | ContinuedML-Implode Gets “Wikileaks Treatment” As Wells Fargo Freezes, Closes Business Account
Domestic economic sanctions have arrived in the US as ML-Implode is targeted by Wells Fargo in retaliation for criticism by one of its bloggers.
13Jun2012 | admin | 29 comments | Continued“Corporate Personhood” Highlights Misunderstanding of The Role of The People vs Constitutional Government
More local control of government and the economy is good, but Constitutional government is not to blame for our ills, including Citizen’s United and “corporate personhood.”
23Jan2012 | admin | 1 comment | ContinuedHedge Fund Felon Gilabert Ups Harassment Campaign Against Implode; Highlights Omnipresent “SLAPP” Free Speech Threat
The Implode-o-Meter’s latest “SLAPP” threatener steps up his intimidation efforts to include harassment and tortious interference. Read the latest, with free speech implications discussed.
1Dec2011 | admin | 4 comments | ContinuedThe Ratings Agencies, Part II: Fiduciary Duty
Clearly, with S&P claiming that its rating is merely some worthless, ornamental decoration which is tacked-on to various financial products, there should be no possible reason for the rabid theatrics of the U.S. government which followed. It is only in a marketplace where the vast majority of participants are ignorant about these disclaimers that the reaction of the U.S. government is rationale…
24Aug2011 | JeffNielson | 0 comments | Continued