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The Real Deal on Jobs – The BLS Is Just Catching Up With Massive Undercounting in Seasonally Adjusted Estimates

If we had thrown out all the confusing numbers and just look at the actual data on the chart, it was clear that the trend was improving in August. But Wall Street wanted more QE, and the headline numbers through August were just coincidentally playing to what the Street wanted. I wrongly thought that the Fed knew better and wouldn’t act. I gave them too much credit.

6Oct2012 | | 0 comments | Continued
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Gold “Losing” Battle Versus U.S. Dollar in 2012?

When the MSM implores you to sell your gold both when it’s down and when it’s up, you know something is rotten in Denmark. It’s of course better to have a notion of real “value” when considering buying and selling.

22May2012 | | 1 comment | Continued
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U.S. Standard of Living Has Fallen More Than 50%

Our governments have been lying about inflation for the last 40 years as a deliberate means of hiding the 57% collapse in our standard of living. Meanwhile, the situation is more than reversed if you’re one of the fat-cats at the top

2Apr2012 | | 4 comments | Continued
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Proof of U.S. Greater Depression

The statistical charlatans at work for the U.S. government can pretend there is positive GDP growth. They can pretend there is positive jobs growth. But they cannot pretend to consume energy.

19Feb2012 | | 1 comment | Continued
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The Myth of U.S. Consumer De-Leveraging

The supposed “de-leveraging” which the mainstream media boasted of was nothing but propaganda mythology. However, the new consumer debt which Americans have piled on since the beginning of 2010 is very, very real. And all the resulting U.S. auto-loan defaults, credit-card defaults, student-loan defaults, personal bankruptcies, and foreclosures in the months ahead will be very, very real as well.

18Jan2012 | | 4 comments | Continued
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Economic Justice Equals Prosperity

The Occupy Wall Street movement is the first, tentative step in a process which 2,000 years of history teaches us is absolutely inevitable. Whether it is this movement which (eventually) facilitates real, equitable changes in our economies, or whether it is ultimately replaced by something bigger and better, the “message” which these people are sending is simple: the pendulum of history has begun to swing back.

17Oct2011 | | 3 comments | Continued
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Only 10% of U.S. Population Now ‘Middle-Class’

As we see the “Occupy Wall Street” movement beginning to gain traction across the U.S., it is clear that the 80% of the U.S. population living as serfs and the 10% of the population clinging to middle-class status have finally had enough. Enough lies. Enough hypocrisy. Enough of the incompetence in our top-down economic hierarchies.

11Oct2011 | | 1 comment | Continued
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Walker’s “Dying Economy” Resurrects Dead Argument

“It’s the monetary system, stupid” — not computers, eliminating employment opportunities.

13Sep2011 | | 1 comment | Continued
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Crumbling Infrastructure Symbolizes U.S. Economy

Remember all of that “infrastructure spending” which was (supposedly) part of the stimulus package, which in turn supposedly led to a “U.S. economic recovery”? It never happened. Just like the supposed “recovery” itself, it was nothing but smoke-and-mirrors. No recovery, no investment in infrastructure. Only the debts from all that “stimulus” were real.

19Aug2011 | | 2 comments | Continued
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NRO Admits, Tries To Minimize Gov. Gary Johnson’s Job-Creation Dominance

by Aaron Krowne Founder, The Implode-o-Meter The NRO yesterday published a little blurb on the job-creation creds of GOP presidential candidates. The winner? Gary Johnson of New Mexico, with an 11.6% job creation rate. The next-closest isn’t even close (it’s Huntsman with 5.9%). What do to in the face of such a trouncing by a […]

22Jun2011 | | 0 comments | Continued