Ron Paul

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Something Bernanke is Neglecting To Mention When He Disses A “Gold Standard”

Bernanke isn’t arguing against the monetary usage of gold on some sort of general economic basis. He’s arguing that you shouldn’t have access to gold in the sense of providing the same sort of monetary stability that central banks and nations still, today, hold it for.

22Mar2012 | | 15 comments | Continued
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Is The Gold Bull “For Real?”

For those not following closely, gold just put in its 11th consecutive yearly price increase, with an approximately 14% rise on the calendar year… but you probably haven’t heard of it. In fact, you probably think that “gold is going down”, based on what you’ve heard in the media recently (if not continuously for the past 5 years or so). An interesting question then remains: why has this disconnect occurred?

4Jan2012 | | 5 comments | Continued
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Ron Paul Should Ask When CNN Will “Return All Money” Made From Piers Morgan Show

After seeing CNN’s attempt at tarring and feathering Ron Paul with creative editing regarding “newslettergate”, we thought maybe the Paul campaign should look into CNN’s own lapses in editing and staffing. It isn’t hard to find some…

27Dec2011 | | 0 comments | Continued