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Jeff Nielson is the writer/editor of Bullion Bulls Canada. He came to the precious metals sector as an investor in the middle of last decade, and quickly decided this was where he wanted to focus his career. Jeff's background includes four years of Economics at the University of British Columbia, before he went on to earn his law degree from that same institution.

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Don’t Blame The Millionaires

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originally appeared as http://www.bullionbullscanada.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=23156:dont-blame-the-millionaires&catid=47:us-commentary&Itemid=132 at bullionbullscanada.com

One of the principal accomplishments (already) of the “Occupy Wall Street” protest movement is that is has correctly focused our attention on the real enemy: “the top-1%”. It is very important that readers remain focused upon that point, because (as usual) the media propaganda machine is not only seeking to twist the facts, but to distort the actual issue itself.

There are two ways in which the media has been distorting this problem. One of these methods is extremely obvious while the other is much more subtle. Beginning with the obvious, we see the media attempting to twist the backlash against the top-1% into a much more muted initiative of “taxing millionaires”.

To understand how this dilutes and undermines the process of reversing the most-egregious wealth inequality in all of history, we first must understand the nature of this inequality. In an interview on the BBC news program “Hard Talk”, a Wall Street insider in the credit default swap market reveals there is more than $200 trillion in debt saturating the global economy.

Let’s put this into perspective. Even with interest rates artificially suppressed for much of the world (most notably the U.S.), annual interest on this debt is somewhere in excess of $10 trillion per year. Given a global economy with a total GDP of close to $60 trillion, this works out to more than one out of every six dollars of global economic activity wasted in paying interest to the bond parasites. It is debt-slavery.

This is such a crippling debt-load that if the global economy was one, single economic entity it would be on the verge of declaring bankruptcy. It has caused some, including Australian economist Steve Keen to call for a “debt jubilee”. Readers not familiar with that term may have less trouble understanding my own previous label for that solution: a “bond-burning party”.

Keen points out that simply “wiping the slate clean” has been history’s one-and-only solution to the serial debt-crises caused every time that bankers acquire too much political/economic power – and then bury the world in debts. This solution becomes more obvious as soon as we identify precisely who are these shadowy bond-parasites.

They are not ordinary people. We are all net-debtors. They are not corporations. Corporations have become huge, net debtors – brainwashed by the banksters into believing that the only way to grow is through piling on more and more debt. They are not sovereign governments. Indeed, our national governments are the largest net debtors on the planet.

The bond-parasites are the top-1%. More specifically, they are the shadowy trillionaires, Oligarchs like the Rothschilds and Rockefellers who are so wealthy they are able to totally conceal their massive wealth-hoards from the rest of the world. Instead, we are regularly subjected to the ludicrous propaganda that mere billionaires like the “Bill Gates” and “Warren Buffets” of the world are the “richest people” on the planet – when they are merely “working class folks” in comparison to the true, idle rich.

In seeking to identify precisely who comprises the “kings” of these bond-parasites, there is no better place to start than with the ground-breaking chronology of Charles Savoie – in a body of research he has titled The Silver Stealers”. Savoie points to an elitist group known as “The Pilgrims”, and documents much of the activities (and inter-relationships) among these Oligarchs over the past 200 years.

As Savoie and other banking historians like Darryl Schoon have noted, the key to the stealing of all the wealth of a society by the ultra-wealthy has always been via banking – and the worthless paper currencies they have managed to foist upon the world any and every time that bankers acquire too much power.

Indeed, this principle has been immortalized in an infamous quote from one of the Rothschilds. Mayer Amschel Rothschilds made this declaration roughly 200 years ago:

Give me control of a nation’s money, and I care not who makes its laws.

Notably, that was the last famous quote from the Rothschilds. Belatedly, they realized that bragging about how they steal the world’s wealth was “bad for business”. The meaning of those words is plain. It’s not that the people who make the laws (i.e. our governments) are irrelevant, but rather that whoever controls a nation’s money is able to buy the government of their choice.

The obvious example here is the United States. It was the banksters who threw their money behind George Bush Junior for two terms, buying victory. Then in 2008, having used up any/all “goodwill” toward the Republican Party, the banksters switched their bets from “Tweedle-Dumb” to “Tweedle-Dee” – and bought victory for the Democrats.

Clearly the bankers still see Obama as their boy, as they have funneled more campaign contributions into his coffers for the upcoming election than all of the Republican pseudo-candidates, combined. This prompted me to be the first to “declare” Barack Obama the winner of the 2012 U.S. presidential election. Why wait for the dreary and irrelevant formalities at the ballot box?

This brings us to the second, more subtle branch of the media’s propaganda campaign with respect to the issue of “wealth inequality”. Amusingly, any and every time one reads an article from the mainstream media (supposedly) discussing “wealth inequality”, readers will note that the media talking-heads spend 100% of their time talking about “income” – and never, ever, ever provide any data on wealth.

This is by no means an accident. As an obvious tautology, the problem with “wealth inequality” is unequal wealth – not incomes. While we cannot precisely quantify the size of these wealth-hoards of history’s greatest misers, we know it starts with the $100+ trillion in “IOU’s” they are holding (and paying them interest).

It then continues with countless $trillions more in real estate and hard assets, principally luxury items like jewelry, antiques, and “priceless” works of art.

While we cannot exactly state the size of the problem, it is very easy to see the damage it is causing. With these parasites having sucked-dry Western economies (in particular), every one of these hollowed-out economies is on the verge of total collapse.

Only a few short decades ago, we were able to keep our economies healthily humming along financed only by our savings. Today, it is only near-zero interest rates, credit extended ‘to the max’, and even more extreme money-printing (i.e. stealing) which has prevented implosion already. Meanwhile our governments, who are as morally bankrupt as they are financially bankrupt, do nothing but engage in bigger and biggger lies – to hide the rapid deterioration of our economies, and prevent rioting in the streets (most of the time).

Thus when the media propaganda machine (belatedly and grudgingly) offered the suggestion of taxing the incomes of millionaires, this was yet just another ruse to divert us from the real problem (the wealth-hoards of the trillionaires), and the real solution: a flat wealth tax which for the first time in history would tax the wealth-hoards of the trillionaires.

There is a second and equally important reason why the ultra-wealthy have instructed their stooges in the media to stress “taxing millionaires”: one of the oldest tactics in (class) war – divide and conquer. The media has been desperately trying to brainwash the “in-betweeners” (i.e. the remainder of the top 10% or 15%) that they are the “targets” in this campaign for greater wealth equity. The goal is to get all the mere millionaires to pledge their allegiance to the bankers and the bond-parasites, rather than standing with ordinary people, against the true enemy of us all.

There is no reason for the media to be blaming “millionaires” for wealth inequality. Yes, they too have benefited from the lowest tax rates in history for those on top. However, there is a huge conceptual difference between the millionaires and the trillionaires.

The millionaires are not parasites. These are generally productive members of society who actually earn much/most/all of their money – rather than simply blood-sucking like the ultra-wealthy. Equally important, millionaires tend to be “big spenders”, helping to fuel our economies with their consumption. Conversely, the bond-parasites hoard their obscene mountains of wealth. The percentage of wealth they spend each year in consumption is not statistically greater than 0%.

It is elementary arithmetic that if you suck all of the “capital” out of capitalist economies they will collapse – in precisely the same manner that a victim of a vampire perishes from blood-loss. Yet blinded by their insatiable greed, history’s greatest misers just continue parasitically draining the wealth from our economies, oblivious to the imminent total economic collapse while perched in their ivory towers.

We owe a debt of gratitude to the Occupy Wall Street protesters for shining a light into a place which the media propaganda machine continues to hide – in the “shadows” of its lies. The problem confronting us is the unprecedented wealth-hoards of the top 1%. The solution to that problem is to tax the wealth of the trillionaires, not the incomes of the millionaires. Any suggestion to the contrary is just more divide-and-conquer propaganda.

There Are 5 Responses So Far. »

  1. You channel Huey Long wonderfully here. He would have agreed wholeheartedly with all of your points. Unfortunately, though, money that can buy governments can certainly silence threats- as his fate demonstrates.

  2. Great Article pointing out where the real “problem” lies. The only point I would differ with the author is, is in the fact about the Occupy Wall St. protesters. I would dare say there isn’t 1 out of 1000 that understands the division of “wealth” like it is mentioned here. Most of them are NOT protesting the 1%. Even though their war cry is the 1% vs. the 99% the majority believe the 1% is anyone who makes more money then them. O.W.S. is simply another distraction from the real issues.

  3. Thanks for the comments!

    Sean, I quite agree with you that most of the OWS protesters don’t truly “understand” what is going on. Here is the interesting part however.

    COLLECTIVELY (and spontaneously) these people congregated because COLLECTIVELY they intuitively understood that SOMETHING was “seriously wrong”. Fortunately, it’s not important (at least initially) for a protest movement to understand EXACTLY what it is protesting.

    Unlike the posers in the Tea Party who were so easily ABSORBED into the Republican political machine, OWS is largely a “youth movement”. What these protesters LACK in awareness they make up for with enthusiasm and energy. There is plenty of time for these people to educate themselves, and I’m doing my part by FORWARDING articles like this to OWS.

    So don’t dismiss OWS just because they don’t understand EXACTLY what is taking place around them. They are now a “magnet” which will continue to draw more and more people to it – and with that the IDEAS of the new people who join this movement.

    Certainly from my own perspective this protest is “the real deal”!

  4. Hmmmm –

    I’ve seen the young /old / concerned OWS in Denver, Miami and Tampa. A very high percentage were sharing joints, crack pipes and details about where to get the next best tattoes.

    The author did not do what I was looking for:

    1. Identify the issue
    2. Suggest a solution

    Tired of hearing why / how our society is bad. This author did the same old, same old … bItChEd about how things are bad, with no solid solution.

  5. Lol! You can’t force people to see if they won’t open their eyes.

    What part of “trillionaires stealing all the world’s wealth” did you not understand?

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