About the Author

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Jeff Nielson is the writer/editor of Bullion Bulls Canada. He came to the precious metals sector as an investor in the middle of last decade, and quickly decided this was where he wanted to focus his career. Jeff's background includes four years of Economics at the University of British Columbia, before he went on to earn his law degree from that same institution.

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Bankster-Created Commodity Crisis Intensifies

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originally appeared as http://www.bullionbullscanada.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=22984:bankster-created-commodity-crisis-intensifies&catid=47:us-commentary&Itemid=132 at bullionbullscanada.com

In a recent commentary, Silver: Shorting Consumes, Investing Conserves”, I provided a detailed argument explaining how and why the extreme and chronic manipulation of commodity markets by multinational bankers inevitably does an enormous amount of harm. I then provided overwhelming evidence in support of this principle with respect to the silver market.

This commentary will follow up on that work, except this time I will demonstrate these principles in a broader, more comprehensive manner. The basic dynamics are very straightforward, and have been discussed in considerable detail in many of my previous commentaries.

We start with the bankster game of theft-by-serial-currency-dilution. The bankers relentlessly drive the value of our paper currencies toward zero through over-printing their paper money. There is absolutely no difference between destroying our purchasing power by debasing our money and simply reaching into our wallets and stealing it.

This becomes obvious when we note that the banksters are simultaneously giving all this newly-printed money to themselves – for free. Thus they never lose any purchasing power (i.e. are victimized by theft), because they print-up new money for themselves faster than they are destroying the purchasing power of the rest of society. All those who seek to deny this theft-by-dilution scam are simply ostriches.

Should someone have had the good fortune to be born wealthy and immortal (and had the common sense to store that wealth in gold), he would have discovered that his gold money perfectly preserved/protected his wealth. Whether he wanted to be a well-dressed Roman 2,000 years ago, or a well-dressed banker today; one ounce of gold would have sufficed in either era (or any in between).

However, should that Lucky Man have been foolish enough to convert his gold money into mere paper currency when the Federal Reserve was created back in 1913, then in less than 100 years he would have seen roughly 98% of his fortune ‘evaporate’. More specifically, roughly 75% of that evaporation would have occurred in just the last 40 years, since Nixon assassinated the gold standard – and the bankers have been able to engage in their theft-by-dilution unrestrained. When we understand that the bankers have been able to steal from us more than four times as fast since the gold standard was abolished, we begin to understand why they have such a pathological hatred toward a gold standard and/or “good money”.

Naturally the bankers try to conceal their stealing, which brings us to the other half of their crimes: the relentless manipulation (i.e. suppression) of commodity markets. Destroying the value of our money is exactly the same thing as driving up prices, since when our money is worth less we must use more of it to buy the same quantity of goods.

The bankers call this “inflation”, and try to pretend it is some mystical, and totally incomprehensible phenomenon, when all that inflation represents is the speed at which they are stealing from us. This also explains why our banker-serving governments have spent more time and effort in lying about inflation than any of their other statistical outrages – since they also conspire to hide the bankers’ stealing.

As I demonstrated unequivocally in my previous silver commentary, suppressing a commodity market (generally through serial “shorting”) always destroys that market. The hypothetical example I used then was chocolate bars, however we can now apply that example to the real world – and the total, global food supply.

We can look at almost every major commodity market on the planet and see precisely the same thing: total global stockpiles are near multi-decade lows and/or all-time lows. This has absolutely nothing to do with food-production capacity.

Obviously with the unemployment epidemic in the West there is no shortage of labour. We are also constantly hearing about farmers who are “unable” to maximize production (generally due to some form of price distortion in markets). Meanwhile, we regularly hear about Western and North American farmers literally throwing away their food because prices are too low for them to break even. Maximizing this outrage, fully ¼ of the annual global harvest is wasted by spoilage – shipping it all over the globe. Clearly if these food products were fairly/accurately priced, producers would not allow ¼ of every harvest to be squandered in such a pointless, extravagant manner.

Just as I demonstrated hypothetically with chocolate bars, and in the “real world” with silver; we can see the relentless shorting and price-suppression of commodities by bankers (to hide their stealing-by-currency-dilution) destroying the entire global food supply. The bankers will not be satisfied until billions are starving.

The most recent (and most terrifying) example of these crimes against humanity is in the massively important global cooking oils market. Affluent Westerners may not fully appreciate the tremendous importance of this market (and global stockpiles of those oils); however it is arguably the most important niche in global food production.

In our own economies, these cooking oils are used “to make everything from candy bars to bio-fuels”; they are essential “building blocks” of our entire food production industry. However they are every bit as important (if not more so) in poorer, developing economies. In these less complex societies, these oils are also used as ingredients in countless foods – as well as being absolutely essential in their less sophisticated cooking. Lastly, many of these oils are extremely rich in vital nutrients, and all are high-calorie inputs to generally low-calorie diets. Indeed, when we have some “humanitarian crisis” requiring food to be airlifted into some crisis-stricken population; cooking oils are at the top of the list (along with water) when it comes to what is distributed (and needed) among those people.

A Bloomberg article on this critical market reports two horrifying trends: global stockpiles are at their lowest levels in two generations; and growth in demand is increasing at five times the rate of population increase – due to the artificially low prices caused by commodity price suppression. In short, one of the world’s most vital food-commodity markets is racing toward complete implosion, and one of the world’s worst humanitarian catastrophes in history. And all this is being done by a tiny group of bankers, simply so that they can get away with even more stealing.

Raising this from a mere “crime against humanity” to attempted genocide (on a planetary scale), note the additional abomination which Bloomberg has reported: the lunatic-warmongers running the U.S. empire are now looking to burn these vital oils to fuel their tanks and war-planes. Let me reiterate this to make sure that people fully comprehend this atrocity.

With the entire planet careening toward the complete collapse of one of the most important food-commodity markets on Earth (and mass-starvation); we have the U.S. government seeking to literally burn vast amounts of these precious oils – in order to inflict much more death-and-destruction on humanity by killing even more people with its war-machine.

Clearly it is impossible to justify the loss of even one life merely to facilitate the stealing by a small group of ultra-powerful psychopaths. However; to recklessly endanger the lives of billions in order to rape-and-pillage the entire global economy makes these individuals the worst “monsters” in the history of humanity.

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