precious metals

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The Two Sides of Precious Metals Propaganda

Propaganda is a form of control. To maximize that “control” it is just as important to dominate the bullish commentary on precious metals as it is to “lead the choir” on the bearish side. Thus the propagandists are highly motivated to get you to believe them about what is “causing” gold and/or silver to go higher on days the metals are rallying.

20Jul2011 | | 4 comments | Continued
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Paper Bugs at BusinessInsider Attempt To Defend Bernanke

The problem with these anti-gold sentiments is, firstly, that they distract from the central issue with fiat currency: its structural (by design) inability to preserve value. In fact, that is why I prefer to call them a “currency” and not a “money”… [further, ] we actually now have, in some of the most important markets in the world, gold once again functioning as a medium of exchange. How quickly we forget the BIS gold swap intrigue from last year…

16Jul2011 | | 2 comments | Continued
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Silver: It’s All About Inventories

The absolute “laws” involving inventories in markets are just as immutable as the Law of Gravity in physics. In physics, we know with certainty that “what goes up must come down”. In markets we know with certainty that when inventories go down, prices go up.

6Jul2011 | | 6 comments | Continued
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Bankers Declare War on Commodities

The only rational response to the plunge in the price of oil for other commodities markets would have been for them all to rally sharply. The fact that commodities did not rally (but in fact moved sharply lower) indicates that it is in fact the bankers who were behind this assault on the oil market. This can be demonstrated in more than one way.

24Jun2011 | | 0 comments | Continued
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The False-Flag Attacks on ‘Speculators’

The media attacks on “speculators” continue unabated. The goal: to demonize commodities-investors in the eyes of the deluded masses, to punish then with malicious regulatory actions (like that perpetrated by the CME Group in both the silver and oil markets), and ultimately to try to bully these people into letting go of their (safe) commodities – and returning to banker-paper, where the bankers can then continue their relentless stealing-through-money-printing.

14Jun2011 | | 0 comments | Continued
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Precious Metals and Currency Dilution

Should the experts in our markets spot a company which is printing-up new shares at an excessive rate, these analysts will tell you to dump that stock faster than you can hit the “sell” button on your trading platform. And they won’t hesitate to tell you that only a “fool” would hang onto a company which is undermining shareholder value in that manner. Yet when these same experts watch Ben Bernanke running the Federal Reserve’s printing-press “white hot” year after year after year, at any given time roughly half of these clowns will be advising people to “buy dollars”.

9Jun2011 | | 1 comment | Continued
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Why Ron Paul Is Pushing For a US Gold Sale

The New York Sun is reporting, as part of the debt ceiling debate, that Rep. Ron Paul (among others) is actually calling for a US gold sale to ameliorate the situation… Astute observers may note that Rep. Paul is doing something very shrewd here.

18May2011 | | 3 comments | Continued
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Elitism, Immunity and Outstaying One’s Welcome

Did the Fed join the BIS in 1994 in order to conduct its gold manipulation activities under the shield of diplomatic immunity? Rob Kirby explores.

16May2011 | | 1 comment | Continued
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How Big Is The Silver Correction?

My conclusion is that this silver correction is a paper-only affair, similar to the liquidity crunch in the fall of 2008, that hammered gold and silver along with everything else. But while silver reached around $9/oz on the COMEX in that pullback, you were hard pressed to find physical silver under $13/oz.

4May2011 | | 3 comments | Continued
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Tune In, Turn On, Cash Out (Of The Dollar Economy) With Gold & Silver Legal Tender Commerce

by Aaron Krowne Founder, Tumultuous Times Many people are, these days, becoming aware that there is a problem with the dollar.  As well documented on this site in the past few years, our economy (both domestic and global) has been hit by wave after wave of financial crisis, panic, market declines (even in supposedly […]

4May2011 | | 4 comments | Continued