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Silver: It’s All About Inventories

The absolute “laws” involving inventories in markets are just as immutable as the Law of Gravity in physics. In physics, we know with certainty that “what goes up must come down”. In markets we know with certainty that when inventories go down, prices go up.

6Jul2011 | | 6 comments | Continued
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A Computer Scientist and “Gold Bug” Analyzes BitCoin

Despite its imperfections, I believe BitCoin really adds some important value to the world’s competing field of monies and is here to stay… Now if we can only get the real-world advantages of gold combined with the digital innovations of BitCoin, we will really be on our way to an unstoppable force of monetary good for the world’s people against government and financial elites that endlessly try to abuse us through the faux-monies they’ve foisted on us.

22Jun2011 | | 7 comments | Continued
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Growth in Despair the Only U.S. ‘Growth’

Now, as the U.S. economy is quite obviously turning lower again, Americans are finally shedding their “rose-coloured glasses” and beginning to view the U.S. economic nightmare for what it really is. That conclusion is strongly reinforced by the following statistics…

9Jun2011 | | 0 comments | Continued
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Precious Metals and Currency Dilution

Should the experts in our markets spot a company which is printing-up new shares at an excessive rate, these analysts will tell you to dump that stock faster than you can hit the “sell” button on your trading platform. And they won’t hesitate to tell you that only a “fool” would hang onto a company which is undermining shareholder value in that manner. Yet when these same experts watch Ben Bernanke running the Federal Reserve’s printing-press “white hot” year after year after year, at any given time roughly half of these clowns will be advising people to “buy dollars”.

9Jun2011 | | 1 comment | Continued
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Government Heads For Budget Collapse

The government is massively overshooting Treasury Borrowing Advisory Committee (TBAC) borrowing estimates issued in May. As I pointed out in the Treasury update at at the time, the government’s and the TBAC’s economic assumptions have been way too optimistic.

8Jun2011 | | 0 comments | Continued
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Hyperinflation Warning for U.S.

It is at this point that we can now analyze why the U.S. is more vulnerable to hyperinflation (and will be harmed much worse by it) than any other Western economy. While the U.S. has previously only experienced the benefits of having the world’s reserve currency, it has now brought itself to the point where it will experience the drawbacks of that role.

1Jun2011 | | 5 comments | Continued
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Perpetual Inflation: The Stealth Source of Our Economic Problems

The most serious flaw in most analyses of the financial crisis the failure to correctly see the various causes put forth as the outcome of a single fundamental factor: the Federal Reserve and its permanent and perpetual policy of inflation.

22May2011 | | 3 comments | Continued
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Why Ron Paul Is Pushing For a US Gold Sale

The New York Sun is reporting, as part of the debt ceiling debate, that Rep. Ron Paul (among others) is actually calling for a US gold sale to ameliorate the situation… Astute observers may note that Rep. Paul is doing something very shrewd here.

18May2011 | | 3 comments | Continued
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Tune In, Turn On, Cash Out (Of The Dollar Economy) With Gold & Silver Legal Tender Commerce

by Aaron Krowne Founder, Tumultuous Times Many people are, these days, becoming aware that there is a problem with the dollar.  As well documented on this site in the past few years, our economy (both domestic and global) has been hit by wave after wave of financial crisis, panic, market declines (even in supposedly […]

4May2011 | | 4 comments | Continued
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Odious Debt… Apologetics

“Let me be clear: I don’t like odious debt, debt peonage and Draconian austerity any more than Brown does — especially when there are vast areas of waste and graft that could be cut to balance the budget instead. But it’s irresponsible to argue that “deficits don’t matter” in order to justify cutting nothing. We need an honest focus on the key areas that could (and SHOULD) be cut and do the least real damage to the domestic economy, so that people can start agitating for that course of action. All these innumerate fiscal apologetics from “progressives” do is provide cover for the military and banking looters at the public trough.”

27Apr2011 | | 2 comments | Continued