market manipulation

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Dr. Bernankestein’s Latest Mad Monster Creation

How well will Bernanke’s new “sterilized QE” idea work to support the bond market while reigning in inflation? Not well at all. Let us count the ways (and the unintended consequences)…

7Mar2012 | | 0 comments | Continued
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Credit Default Swap Fraud Exposed/Confirmed

Allowing bets to be placed (more than $60 trillion in total), and then allowing the banksters taking the bets to define when they lose, after all the bets have been placed, is not even a subtle scam. It is a clumsy fraud perpetrated by a group of Oligarchs who yet again have demonstrated their complete contempt for an apparently antiquated doctrine known as the Rule of Law.

5Mar2012 | | 3 comments | Continued
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The Gambler Economy

With the fruits of our labours preserved via the integrity of a gold standard, and with ordinary people not being brainwashed into incurring vast amounts of debt, the average citizen of a century ago was largely immune to the scams of the bankers. Not so today.

28Feb2012 | | 0 comments | Continued
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Exposing Silver Mythology, Part III

one cannot say the words “negative drivel” in connection with precious metals without immediately thinking of Kitco’s Jon Nadler – the man who has gone through a 10+ year bull market for gold without ever once stating that today was a good day to buy it. Apparently his banker biases simply run too deep.

26Feb2012 | | 0 comments | Continued
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The $15 TRILLION Money-Laundering Mystery

By process of simple deduction it was totally obvious that a gigantic, money-laundering operation was being conducted, with the primary goal being to prop-up the totally fraudulent U.S. Treasuries market. All that was missing was a paper-trail to prove this fraud, and now Lord James of Blackheath has been kind enough to provide this.

24Feb2012 | | 5 comments | Continued
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Exposing Silver Mythology, Part I

What then are we to make of the fact that the self-described (mainstream) “experts” on the silver market, the “official” sources for data on the silver market, and the primary regulator of the silver market all regularly and consistently demonstrate complete ignorance of even the most elementary of economic principles? Are we to attribute this to gross incompetence, inherent bias, or an intentional attempt to deceive?

24Jan2012 | | 1 comment | Continued
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The Fed’s Sleazy Idea Of “Transparency”

Don’t believe the propaganda — whenever the Fed offers “more transparency”, they are only looking to twist the knife in Main Street’s back further. Their latest announcement about publishing “interest rate projections” is no different…

6Jan2012 | | 6 comments | Continued
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How The Bankers Drive Up Bullion Prices, Part II

Countering the inherent efficiency of the junior mining model is the relentless manipulation of the banksters. It is an unavoidable reality for most of these miners that they must obtain their financing for operations from the vampiric banks through equity-based financing rather than straight loans.

1Jan2012 | | 2 comments | Continued
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How The Bankers Drive Up Bullion Prices, Part I

We have a sector of companies generating record profits, huddled within entire economies which will soon be in a state of total collapse. This is to be followed by what we can conservatively expect to be a 1000% increase in total investment, by a throng of investors being simultaneously driven by extreme fear and extreme greed.

19Dec2011 | | 0 comments | Continued
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The Land of Anti-Gold Propaganda

“Getting all governments to devalue their currencies simultaneously is the most effective means to hide the total destruction of our currencies from the near-comatose sheep. Returning to the analogy of two people jumping off a tall building, to each other neither appears to be moving – or at the very least it drastically reduces their perception of the speed at which both are falling.”

14Dec2011 | | 0 comments | Continued