JP Morgan

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The Battle of the Euro Bond

With only the weak-willed Angela Merkel playing the role of “Frodo” against the “Dark Lords” of Wall Street, the situation could hardly be more dire – or hopeless.

30Nov2011 | | 2 comments | Continued
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Bankster-Created Commodity Crisis Intensifies

The most recent (and most terrifying) example of bankster commodities-manipulation crimes against humanity is in the massively important global cooking oils market. Affluent Westerners may not fully appreciate the tremendous importance of this market (and global stockpiles of those oils); however it is arguably the most important niche in global food production.

24Nov2011 | | 0 comments | Continued
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Interview with Charles Savoie on TPTB of Silver Manipulation

Charles links a relatively small but extremely powerful group of individuals (and often their descendants) together through two common “threads”: their propensity for actions which were extremely detrimental to the silver market and/or the holders of silver; and their membership in a little-known organization which they have called “The Pilgrims”.

11Nov2011 | | 6 comments | Continued
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Silver: Shorting Consumes, Investing Conserves

There is less silver in the world today on a per capita basis, and less silver in the world today in relation to the supply of gold than at any other time in at least 600 years, prompting Ted Butler to dub silver “The Rarest Earth”.

10Nov2011 | | 8 comments | Continued
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SLV And Silver Manipulation

JP Morgan is the largest silver short-seller in the history of the world. JP Morgan is the “custodian” for the largest “long” silver fund in the history of the world, making this one of the largest conflicts of interest in all of history.

24Oct2011 | | 1 comment | Continued
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Economic Rape of Europe Nearly Complete, Part III

In this installment I will focus on the second strategy for completing the looting of Europe. It is a mere two-word phrase, and arguably the most-odious two-word combination in the realm of 21st century economics: “loss guarantees”. It is the ultimate form of “welfare” for both the banker Oligarchs and the bond parasites

28Jul2011 | | 2 comments | Continued
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Dinosaurs, Dodo Birds, Wooly Mammoths, and Free Markets

Connecting the dots of recent revelations of the Fed’s market manipulations jointly with the money center banks amidst the bailouts, as well as the public oil market manipulation, with evidence of long-running gold and silver markets manipulations and interest rate manipulation through derivatives.

22Jul2011 | | 0 comments | Continued
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Economic Rape of Europe Nearly Complete, Part I

The banksters had already perfected their terrorist weapons: interest-rate swaps and credit default swaps. Now they needed to determine if they actually “worked” – i.e. if their scam-victims were gullible enough to be fooled by bankster double-talk, and if our legal systems would “tolerate” this massive, systemic fraud.

22Jul2011 | | 0 comments | Continued
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Silver: It’s All About Inventories

The absolute “laws” involving inventories in markets are just as immutable as the Law of Gravity in physics. In physics, we know with certainty that “what goes up must come down”. In markets we know with certainty that when inventories go down, prices go up.

6Jul2011 | | 6 comments | Continued
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Amaranth Kill Shot: Collateral Damage in a 78-Trillion Dollar Derivatives Book Compliments of J.P. Morgan Chase

You see folks, when you are printing money like a banshee and telling the world that inflation is running at 2 % – you don’t want interlopers with deep pockets – like Amaranth – bidding the price of strategic commodities like natural gas – UP.

19Apr2011 | | 4 comments | Continued