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Time To Confront Lying Central Bank Liars

We don’t need two decades of near-zero interest rates to prove the U.S. is an economic corpse. Defibrillating an economy with near-zero interest rates for 3+ years (and getting no response) is proof of death just like defibrillating a body incessantly for three years would prove it’s a corpse.

19Apr2012 | | 2 comments | Continued
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Two Scenarios For Next Precious Metals Rally, Part I

one very likely clue that we will be on the precipice of another banker-created crash is that gold and silver will begin to rally strongly without any identifiable cause for their strong surge in prices. To be more precise, the mainstream media (i.e. the propaganda machine) will not supply us with any “reason” for these soaring prices (other than pointing to their favorite scapegoats, the evil “speculators”).

12Apr2012 | | 0 comments | Continued
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Destruction of Spain’s Economy Duplicates Greece

How does a third party placing bets on whether someone’s home would burn down provide any “insurance” to the owner of the home? The answer of course is that it doesn’t. What it did do, however, was to create a $60 trillion motive for “arson”.

4Apr2012 | | 5 comments | Continued
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U.S. Standard of Living Has Fallen More Than 50%

Our governments have been lying about inflation for the last 40 years as a deliberate means of hiding the 57% collapse in our standard of living. Meanwhile, the situation is more than reversed if you’re one of the fat-cats at the top

2Apr2012 | | 4 comments | Continued
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Something Bernanke is Neglecting To Mention When He Disses A “Gold Standard”

Bernanke isn’t arguing against the monetary usage of gold on some sort of general economic basis. He’s arguing that you shouldn’t have access to gold in the sense of providing the same sort of monetary stability that central banks and nations still, today, hold it for.

22Mar2012 | | 15 comments | Continued
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Credit Default Swap Fraud Exposed/Confirmed

Allowing bets to be placed (more than $60 trillion in total), and then allowing the banksters taking the bets to define when they lose, after all the bets have been placed, is not even a subtle scam. It is a clumsy fraud perpetrated by a group of Oligarchs who yet again have demonstrated their complete contempt for an apparently antiquated doctrine known as the Rule of Law.

5Mar2012 | | 3 comments | Continued
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The Gambler Economy

With the fruits of our labours preserved via the integrity of a gold standard, and with ordinary people not being brainwashed into incurring vast amounts of debt, the average citizen of a century ago was largely immune to the scams of the bankers. Not so today.

28Feb2012 | | 0 comments | Continued
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Exposing Silver Mythology, Part III

one cannot say the words “negative drivel” in connection with precious metals without immediately thinking of Kitco’s Jon Nadler – the man who has gone through a 10+ year bull market for gold without ever once stating that today was a good day to buy it. Apparently his banker biases simply run too deep.

26Feb2012 | | 0 comments | Continued
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The $15 TRILLION Money-Laundering Mystery

By process of simple deduction it was totally obvious that a gigantic, money-laundering operation was being conducted, with the primary goal being to prop-up the totally fraudulent U.S. Treasuries market. All that was missing was a paper-trail to prove this fraud, and now Lord James of Blackheath has been kind enough to provide this.

24Feb2012 | | 5 comments | Continued
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Proof of U.S. Greater Depression

The statistical charlatans at work for the U.S. government can pretend there is positive GDP growth. They can pretend there is positive jobs growth. But they cannot pretend to consume energy.

19Feb2012 | | 1 comment | Continued