big banks

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Bankers Declare War on Commodities

The only rational response to the plunge in the price of oil for other commodities markets would have been for them all to rally sharply. The fact that commodities did not rally (but in fact moved sharply lower) indicates that it is in fact the bankers who were behind this assault on the oil market. This can be demonstrated in more than one way.

24Jun2011 | | 0 comments | Continued
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The Real Nightmare of U.S. Mortgage-Fraud

U.S. banksters (with Bank of America being one of the worst offenders) have flooded U.S. land-title registries (and even U.S. courts) with millions of fraudulent and/or forged documents. With the banksters themselves willingly trafficking in such forged documents, and willingly taking part in millions of fraudulent transactions, they have now made it simple for “freelance scammers” like Karen Tappert to rip-off victims with impunity.

20Jun2011 | | 2 comments | Continued
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Thirty-Year Mortgages = Mortgage Rape?

Bloomberg had managed to find an anecdotal account of a U.S. homeowner who had actually shortened the term of their mortgage… but in the real world, for every U.S. homeowner shortening the length of their mortgage there are ten other mortgage-holders (twenty? one hundred?) increasing the length of their mortgage. Indeed the favorite “mortgage modification” being offered by the banksters to homeowners on the verge of foreclosure is to dupe them into refinancing over a longer term.

16Jun2011 | | 7 comments | Continued
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How Big Is The Silver Correction?

My conclusion is that this silver correction is a paper-only affair, similar to the liquidity crunch in the fall of 2008, that hammered gold and silver along with everything else. But while silver reached around $9/oz on the COMEX in that pullback, you were hard pressed to find physical silver under $13/oz.

4May2011 | | 3 comments | Continued
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Odious Debt… Apologetics

“Let me be clear: I don’t like odious debt, debt peonage and Draconian austerity any more than Brown does — especially when there are vast areas of waste and graft that could be cut to balance the budget instead. But it’s irresponsible to argue that “deficits don’t matter” in order to justify cutting nothing. We need an honest focus on the key areas that could (and SHOULD) be cut and do the least real damage to the domestic economy, so that people can start agitating for that course of action. All these innumerate fiscal apologetics from “progressives” do is provide cover for the military and banking looters at the public trough.”

27Apr2011 | | 2 comments | Continued
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Amaranth Kill Shot: Collateral Damage in a 78-Trillion Dollar Derivatives Book Compliments of J.P. Morgan Chase

You see folks, when you are printing money like a banshee and telling the world that inflation is running at 2 % – you don’t want interlopers with deep pockets – like Amaranth – bidding the price of strategic commodities like natural gas – UP.

19Apr2011 | | 4 comments | Continued
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State Banking Is Not Enough For A Stable Economy: Sound Money Is Needed

An explanation of public banking, prominent arguments for it, and the need for sound money as the foundation of the monetary and banking system even if public banking is utilized.

5Apr2011 | | 7 comments | Continued
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Silver Price Suppression: How, Why and Effect

This paper is written as a response to market observers who opine, “how can the price of precious metals be suppressed when their prices have empirically gone up 4 fold and more over the past 10 years?” The following graph depicts the price performance of silver over the course of 2010, paying special attention to […]

28Mar2011 | | 1 comment | Continued
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Slate’s Strange Currency On Monetary Gold

Slate magazine recently published an article by Annie Lowrey called “Strange Currency” excoriating various efforts by states and activists around the country to move back towards sound money by re-introducing a monetary role for gold and silver. The piece will be rebutted here… it The article wasn’t just bad, it actually boggles the mind how disingenuous a story at such a high-profile publishing outlet could be — and have the “journalists” involved generally get away with it.

24Feb2011 | | 5 comments | Continued
post thumbnail Foreclosures Forecasted to Flood Market in 2011

Foreclosure filings for the month of January experienced a 17 percent decline over last year, according to RealtyTrac, Inc., which publishes the most comprehensive database of home foreclosures online. But this positive news could slightly mislead consumers. Other background factors are at play. For example, many lenders are currently bombarded with the sheer number of […]

18Feb2011 | | 2 comments | Continued