big banks

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Western ‘Pension Crisis’ Reflects Investment Incompetence

Proving that you can always “make a bad situation worse”, the administrators of pension funds have also mirrored the incompetence of most mainstream financial advisors – who have gone from being architects of “wealth creation” to the implements of “wealth destruction”.

6Sep2011 | | 3 comments | Continued
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The Ratings Agencies, Part II: Fiduciary Duty

Clearly, with S&P claiming that its rating is merely some worthless, ornamental decoration which is tacked-on to various financial products, there should be no possible reason for the rabid theatrics of the U.S. government which followed. It is only in a marketplace where the vast majority of participants are ignorant about these disclaimers that the reaction of the U.S. government is rationale…

24Aug2011 | | 0 comments | Continued
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The Ratings Agencies, Part I: Experts or Charlatans?

… supposedly our legal systems don’t allow a group of people to call themselves “experts” when they are pocketing fat fees for their analysis/assessment of the quality of complex financial products; and then to say “Just kidding. We’re not experts, and no one should base any financial decision on our opinions” once such “opinions” have been shown to be severely flawed.

22Aug2011 | | 0 comments | Continued
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Economic Rape of Europe Nearly Complete, Part IV

The ultimate goal of these ruling Oligarchs is nothing less than the full, economic integration of Europe. Not only would this bind every European citizen to the debts of all the individual Euro states, but once full economic integration had been achieved then Europe’s wealth could be plundered as a single entity – much more efficient than their current nation-by-nation looting.

1Aug2011 | | 0 comments | Continued
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Economic Rape of Europe Nearly Complete, Part III

In this installment I will focus on the second strategy for completing the looting of Europe. It is a mere two-word phrase, and arguably the most-odious two-word combination in the realm of 21st century economics: “loss guarantees”. It is the ultimate form of “welfare” for both the banker Oligarchs and the bond parasites

28Jul2011 | | 2 comments | Continued
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Economic Rape of Europe Nearly Complete, Part II

… the decision by Western banking authorities to designate the national gold hoards of these nations as “collateral” for their (fraudulent) bond debts has two entirely different (and separate) motivations. If the gold still exists, then naming gold as collateral for debts which could never be repaid (and where default is imminent) is nothing less than the theft of these nations’ gold reserves.

25Jul2011 | | 0 comments | Continued
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Economic Rape of Europe Nearly Complete, Part I

The banksters had already perfected their terrorist weapons: interest-rate swaps and credit default swaps. Now they needed to determine if they actually “worked” – i.e. if their scam-victims were gullible enough to be fooled by bankster double-talk, and if our legal systems would “tolerate” this massive, systemic fraud.

22Jul2011 | | 0 comments | Continued
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The Two Sides of Precious Metals Propaganda

Propaganda is a form of control. To maximize that “control” it is just as important to dominate the bullish commentary on precious metals as it is to “lead the choir” on the bearish side. Thus the propagandists are highly motivated to get you to believe them about what is “causing” gold and/or silver to go higher on days the metals are rallying.

20Jul2011 | | 4 comments | Continued
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Silver: It’s All About Inventories

The absolute “laws” involving inventories in markets are just as immutable as the Law of Gravity in physics. In physics, we know with certainty that “what goes up must come down”. In markets we know with certainty that when inventories go down, prices go up.

6Jul2011 | | 6 comments | Continued
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New Rules For Western Banks, Same Hypocrisy

The “extra capital” which (some) U.S. banks will be forced to implement over a period of seven years under the new “Basel II” accord would all be 100% consumed (plus much more) if U.S. housing prices fall even 1% more

28Jun2011 | | 0 comments | Continued