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The Gambler Economy

With the fruits of our labours preserved via the integrity of a gold standard, and with ordinary people not being brainwashed into incurring vast amounts of debt, the average citizen of a century ago was largely immune to the scams of the bankers. Not so today.

28Feb2012 | | 0 comments | Continued
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Buffet vs. Gold: What’s Next, Soros vs. Indoor Plumbing?

Warren Buffett talks a lot about gold, and isn’t very kind to the “metal of kings.” But we suggest here he is missing the obvious nature of the true value of gold to society. Perhaps, as Buffett famously “doesn’t understand” tech companies, he doesn’t understand the “externality” value of “public utilities…”

27Feb2012 | | 1 comment | Continued
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The $15 TRILLION Money-Laundering Mystery

By process of simple deduction it was totally obvious that a gigantic, money-laundering operation was being conducted, with the primary goal being to prop-up the totally fraudulent U.S. Treasuries market. All that was missing was a paper-trail to prove this fraud, and now Lord James of Blackheath has been kind enough to provide this.

24Feb2012 | | 5 comments | Continued
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Proof of U.S. Greater Depression

The statistical charlatans at work for the U.S. government can pretend there is positive GDP growth. They can pretend there is positive jobs growth. But they cannot pretend to consume energy.

19Feb2012 | | 1 comment | Continued
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The Foreclosure Fraud Fantasy

A deal does not fix the housing market; it only makes things worse by permanently entrenching all this systemic fraud into the U.S. legal system. It throws away the states’ right to compensation at a time when they still don’t have the slightest idea of the total extent of Wall Street fraud.

9Feb2012 | | 3 comments | Continued
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Deadbeats ‘Bailing Out’ Deadbeats

Surely even the media drones and market “experts” can understand the concept that one deadbeat with no money cannot (financially) bail out another deadbeat with no money?

7Feb2012 | | 5 comments | Continued
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Exposing Silver Mythology, Part II

Judging by its own words, the CFTC apparently sees no need to actively “regulate” the silver market until silver inventories hit zero – and the entire market implodes. At best this can be described as “willful blindness”, and calls into question the presumption that this official regulator of the silver market has been acting in good faith.

6Feb2012 | | 0 comments | Continued
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Exposing Silver Mythology, Part I

What then are we to make of the fact that the self-described (mainstream) “experts” on the silver market, the “official” sources for data on the silver market, and the primary regulator of the silver market all regularly and consistently demonstrate complete ignorance of even the most elementary of economic principles? Are we to attribute this to gross incompetence, inherent bias, or an intentional attempt to deceive?

24Jan2012 | | 1 comment | Continued
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The ‘Perils’ of a Gold Standard?

A gold standard does not “cause” depressions (governments do). However, at the same time, a gold standard is also not a magical, economic panacea. Specifically, imposing the fiscal discipline inherent in a gold standard will not lead to a good economic outcome in the hands of a corrupt government (i.e. one which governs for the benefit of the privileged few as opposed to the majority).

19Jan2012 | | 3 comments | Continued
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The Myth of U.S. Consumer De-Leveraging

The supposed “de-leveraging” which the mainstream media boasted of was nothing but propaganda mythology. However, the new consumer debt which Americans have piled on since the beginning of 2010 is very, very real. And all the resulting U.S. auto-loan defaults, credit-card defaults, student-loan defaults, personal bankruptcies, and foreclosures in the months ahead will be very, very real as well.

18Jan2012 | | 4 comments | Continued