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The Implode-o-Meter staff account: our in-house commentary and compilation of news.

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Slate’s Strange Currency On Monetary Gold

Slate magazine recently published an article by Annie Lowrey called “Strange Currency” excoriating various efforts by states and activists around the country to move back towards sound money by re-introducing a monetary role for gold and silver. The piece will be rebutted here… it The article wasn’t just bad, it actually boggles the mind how disingenuous a story at such a high-profile publishing outlet could be — and have the “journalists” involved generally get away with it.

24Feb2011 | | 5 comments | Continued
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Alert: Don’t Become a Fraudulent Credit Bureau Lead

“it appears an undetermined number of affiliates/resellers for their credit reporting services may have expanded into the fraud business, and by fraud I mean luring consumers into paying for their services on false pretenses.”

23Feb2011 | | 5 comments | Continued
post thumbnail Foreclosures Forecasted to Flood Market in 2011

Foreclosure filings for the month of January experienced a 17 percent decline over last year, according to RealtyTrac, Inc., which publishes the most comprehensive database of home foreclosures online. But this positive news could slightly mislead consumers. Other background factors are at play. For example, many lenders are currently bombarded with the sheer number of […]

18Feb2011 | | 2 comments | Continued
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CPM Validates Imminent Comprehensive Silver Shortage Predictions

In their latest made-for-Kitco statements directed at debunking “silver market conspiracy theorists”, CPM group accidentally bolsters the case that a silver shortage is developing and is likely to spread to the entire market (and the prevailing silver price).

17Feb2011 | | 3 comments | Continued
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Yes Virginia, The Chinese CAN Dump The Dollar

I’m surprised how persistently I see the dubious assertion that the Chinese “can’t away from the dollar because they own so many of them”. A related argument is that they are “stuck in dollars because of the trade deficit”. They certainly can move away from the dollar, though, and to do so, all they need to do is keep doing what they are already doing, and they will soon be positioned for a major transition.

26Jan2011 | | 10 comments | Continued
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“Deflationists” Ignore Quality, Quantity Reduction

I wouldn’t be surprised if 5-10% a year inflation is being “hidden” in reduced quality and quantity of retail goods. I would be interested to hear what others are seeing in their daily budgeting.

12Jan2011 | | 0 comments | Continued
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Social Security’s Effect On The Treasury: Why We Are “Effed”

I think to the uninitiated to the world of arcane government finance, the reason Social Security’s financial condition is so bad is still rather mysterious. To me, it’s easier to understand — as is our general public-financing predicament — if we stop looking at it in terms of Social Security per se, and rather as a function of the government (and thus Treasury disbursement) in general.

8Dec2010 | | 3 comments | Continued
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Despite $100 Bill Debacle, Mint Turns Down Gold/Silver Eagle Profits

While the US Mint is losing money on $100 bills, pennies, and nickels, why is it turning its nose up at Gold/Silver Eagle profits?

7Dec2010 | | 1 comment | Continued
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Why What The Fed’s Doing is Inflationary

Why, Bernanke’s denials notwithstanding, the Fed’s “Quantitative Easing” is definitely inflationary “money printing”.

6Dec2010 | | 0 comments | Continued
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WSJ Mis-Warns on Gold ETF

On November 25, 2010, The Wall Street Journal Printed “Behind Gold’s New Glister: Miners’ Big Bet on a Fund,” by Liam Pleven and Carolyn Cui. We have to say, this article must be a very sophisticated piece of propaganda. It attempts to peg the gold “rally” of the last decade on the introduction of the `GLD’ exchange-traded fund (or ETF), then slyly warn investors away from gold with a combination of faint praise salted with inaccurate innuendo about the ETF and hysterics about “volatility”.

27Nov2010 | | 0 comments | Continued